Bear loves his tablet. He actually has two, but we’ll get into the why of that in another post. If he could (and he has), he would spend all day on it.
But as much educational apps I can put on his tablet, sometimes he needs to do things that are tablet-free. Or what I like to call, old school.
Here are 10 After-School Actitivities that are fun and some of them are totally FREE.
Chalk Activity

This is fun but can also be a learning experiment. What better way to go over letters, math, and numbers than with chalk?
Park date

Sometimes going straight home isn’t an option or maybe you just want to take a break from cooking and homework for a little while? And just about every city has a park!

Seriously. I’m not playing. Target is a great activity. One, chances are something you need is at a Target, any Target. Two, Some Targets have cafes you can have a little snack.
Doing Homework Outside
Now obviously, this isn’t something you probably can’t do during the winter months depending where you live. But if it’s a nice outside, why not bring the homework outdoors?
Blowing Bubbles

What kid doesn’t love to blow bubbles?
Getting Ice Cream or Boba

Bear is a big fan of both and while they are sweet, it’s a treat not something we have all of the time.
Bake or Cook Together

Bear has really gotten into baking and cooking with me. It’s a fun way to get a kid into the kitchen and give them a love for cooking.
Homemade Science Experiments

I’m going to do another post on the various homemade science experiments we’ve done over the past year. I highly recommend creating your own instead of buying one from the box at the store. One, it’s cheaper that you do it and more than likely, it’s a lot more fun.

You don’t need to have a fancy camera. Just whip out your phone and take some photos. Have your child take photos of whatever interests them. Who knows? They might discover a passion they didn’t know about.
Bike/Scooter Ride

Sometimes kids have all of that extra energy out of school. A quick bike or scooter ride will cure that energy. Plus, it’s a great form of exercise for everyone.
What are some activities you participate in after school?